Viasat campuses raise funds for more than 250 charitable organizations

Employees pitched in during the season of giving with remote fundraisers and donations

A member of the Child Crisis 亚利桑那州 organization stands in front of a pile of gifts donated by our employees in Tempe.

大流行爆发两年了, Viasat employees are still opening their hearts and wallets to give to others. 2021- 2022年假期期间, Viasat and its employees donated to hundreds of different charities and held fundraisers across the globe in numerous cause areas to includein food insecurity, 无家可归, 青年服务, 救灾, 和更多的.

“Our employees have so much compassion others, and they’re still able to make a difference — even if it’s from home,艾丽莎·罗德说, Viasat的社会影响协调员.

Following are some of the highlights from our season of giving, which began in late November with GivingTuesday and continued into the first days of 2022.


在12月, Viasat主办了5天的欢呼活动, a way to virtually share the joy and spirit of the season. 在欢乐五天中的某一天, employees voted for causes that spoke most to them, with Viasat making donations to the winning organizations. The company gave $5,000 each to Humane Society 国际 and The Hunger Project.

Viasat also donated nearly 900 trees through the 五天的欢乐. Employees just needed to indicate they wanted the company to donate one on their behalf.

在另一个欢乐五天里, Viasat donated a tree on behalf of every employee that participated. With employee virtual sign-ups, Viasat was able to plant 900 trees with One Tree Planted.

“We wanted to make sure our employees — even if they’re working from home — still had the opportunity to get involved and feel engaged with Viasat’s charitable giving over the holidays,安妮·德马斯科尔说, Viasat给予经理.


This annual campaign is a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, 合作, 庆祝慷慨.

今年, Viasat employees utilizing the employee match program, 筹得超过163美元,000, benefitting 250 different charities on GivingTuesday.

Individual campuses also held their own giving events during the holidays.


At Viasat’s Southern California headquarters, 员工捐赠253个玩具, 七辆自行车和11美元现金,315到美国.S. Marine Corps Reserve North County San Diego Toys for Tots. 今年’s event was held in memory of 19-year Viasat employee Carlo “Mazz” Mazzurra, who’d organized the annual fundraiser for the last 13 years. 马祖拉是美国人.S. 海军陆战队老兵,于2021年底去世.

“Carlo would have loved to see the positive impact that the Toys for Tots campaign had this year on the local community,DeMascole说.

The Carlsbad legal team also did a fundraiser for the San Diego Food Bank, 总共筹集了4美元,000, 哪个Viasat会匹配总共8美元,000年捐赠.


Viasat 亚利桑那州 supported two organizations: Child Crisis 亚利桑那州 and 亚利桑那州 Hope for the Homeless. 员工们捐赠了13箱衣服, toiletries and food to the homeless and 97 gifts for the children’s welfare agency.

Viasat工程师Jim Paugh说, who fostered and later adopted two children through Child Crisis 亚利桑那州, nominated the organization as a beneficiary of this year’s holiday giving campaign. Names of the children were placed on an angel tree, and also sent via email to remote employees who requested them.

Child Care 亚利桑那州 community relations director Atasha Hill was surprised by Viasat’s generosity.

“She was thinking they’d get a handful of gifts,彼得·奥罗娜说, an administrator at Viasat 亚利桑那州 who coordinated the campaign. “我告诉她我在路上了, driving a four-door pickup truck that was full in the cab and the bed, 她咯咯地笑了. 我觉得她没意识到里面有多满. When I got there, she was taken aback and so ecstatic.”

“We are incredibly grateful for all who helped make this holiday season special for the children and families in our programs,托丽·泰姬说, 亚利桑那州儿童危机组织的首席执行官. “With the generous support from Viasat and others in the community we were able to provide gifts for 1,600个孩子.”

Orona is also grateful to his fellow employees.

“Since 90% of our employees are working from home, this was less than what we would normally do, 但随着疫情的蔓延, it was really great to see how people still gave. The staff here at Viasat have such great hearts when it comes to stuff like this. 参与其中很有趣.”


在亚特兰大, employees did a coat drive and donated to the Atlanta Food Bank, 筹得约1美元,800美元,包括Viasat配对基金.

“通过食品银行, 20美元可以养活一家四口, 这些钱可以养活很多人,米歇尔·莫斯利说, who chairs the outreach and culture committee for the campus’s Black Professional Alliance chapter. “I tried to make things easy with the pandemic. People were able to just go online and donate money.

“I feel I was put on this earth to give to others and make sure no one feels left out, so I’m thankful to our employees that we were able to give something this season.”


The Dublin and Boston offices also did holiday drives, 增加超过7美元,筹款总额的500倍.

And in early January, in the wake of the Dec. 马歇尔火灾, Viasat的丹佛办事处捐赠了5美元,捐给博尔德县野火基金, helping provide critical short and long-term assistance to the fire victims.